Effective Marketing

Selling your home is quite possibly one of the biggest transactions you will have in your lifetime. You have carefully prepared for your home for sale, and now its time to select a Realtor understands who your potential buyer is and can do what it takes to get in front of them! Once you get there you want to make sure you stand don’t just exist ... but you STAND OUT IN THE CROWD! 

A marketing plan is an living plan - it should be continually monitored, evaluated and tweaked to ensure it is performing to expectation!   

I offer all my clients a comprehensive 17 Point Marketing Strategy that combines the best of both traditional & new social media-based marketing strategies.  

I would love to share a coffee with you as we go through my strategy step by step and show you why my marketing plan will be the answer you have been looking for.

Get In Touch

Kristi Henriksen

Mobile: 403 830 5244

Phone: 403 730 9207


Office Info

Suite 2230, 12 Royal Vista Way NW  Calgary,  AB  T3R 0N2 

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